Submission Procedure

Registration in the OJS system and subsequent access, through login and password, are mandatory for submitting works, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process. Submissions should NOT be sent to the Journal's email address.

The author(s) must register (Login/Password) on the journal's website, correctly fill in the profile and choose the "AUTHOR" option. After completing these steps, you must go to "ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS" and start the submission process through the link "CLICK HERE TO START THE SUBMISSION PROCESS", in which you will perform the five basic steps:

1. Start: Start the submission process, confirming that it complies with the conditions established by the journal;
2. Manuscript transfer: transfer the file to the system.
3. Transfer of supplementary documents: transfer files with supplementary information, such as ethics committee approval terms, research instruments, data sets and tables or figures and/or tables that cannot be integrated into the text itself;
4. Inclusion of submission metadata: title of the work, subtitle (if applicable), summary, author and co-author information and keywords.
5. Confirmation: complete the submission.

After completing the five steps described, the author(s) must wait for the editor's email. These are the following steps:

1. If the article complies with the Journal's standards, it will be inserted into the editorial flow. If the article does not comply with the journal's standards, explained below, it will be rejected. The motivation for rejection is sent exclusively by email. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to keep the email address updated on the platform and always check the email, including the spam folder, to monitor receipt of notifications. Please note that some email servers (hotmail, uol) automatically classify messages from the OJS system as spam. Avoid using email from these servers or configure your email to avoid this. The Editorial Team is not responsible for any communication failures due to technical reasons or inconsistency in the email registration in our database.
2. Once the manuscript has been inserted into the editorial flow, the author(s) must follow the submission steps through the platform.
3. Upon entering the editorial flow, the manuscript will be forwarded to at least two reviewers. If the opinions are contradictory, an additional reviewer will be chosen by the Editor to evaluate the work.
4. When the evaluation process is completed, the editorial board will send a formal decision to the authors. If accepted and if modifications are requested to the work, the author(s) must, within 20 calendar days from the date of the "Editorial Decision", make them and resend the work, inserting the file in the system through the "Evaluations" tab.