Soulâliyyât dynamic in Morocco

An account of attachment to land that questions the tutorship status attributed by colonial anthropology


  • Aziza Sakhraji Université Hassan II (UHII) - Laboratoire dynamique des espaces et des sociétés (LADES)
  • Kamal Mellakh Université Hassan II (UHII) - Laboratoire dynamique des espaces et des sociétés (LADES)
  • Giuliana Bueno Denari Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Based on field research with Sulâliyyât women in Morocco, who are fighting for their right to collective property, this paper highlights their profound attachment to their land. The conclusions of this research call into question the image of submissive women, that has been cast upon them by an ethnocentric anthropology. Sulâliyyât women do not define themselves as being cared for, but rather active participants, and in charge of their household's economy.

