Has the revolt catalyzed tunisian rural sociology?

A bibliographic review


  • Mohamed Raouf Saïdi Ladyss-CNRS
  • Tarcísio Perdigão Araújo Filho Laboratoire interdisciplinaire pour la sociologie économique (Lise) do Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam) – Paris – França https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2446-2296


The purpose of this communication is to assess whether the so colled «Tunisian Spring » triggered from the agricultural region Sidi Bouzid in 2010, at the same time triggered the spring of a quasi-dying rural sociology in the country. To answer this question, the analysis in this paper is based on bibliographic and thematic inventory work. The first part of the paper provides a thematic examination of three databases devoted to dissertations recorded in Tunisia, and identifies the place of rural sociology in articles published by the Center for Economic and Social Research (CERES), in particular since 2010. The latter part of the paper will explore a few avenues of interpreting the lethargy which has marked rural sociology for several decades.

