Decolonialidade e a Teologia Negra no Brasil

o lugar afrodiaspórico no projeto decolonial




The article aims to examine aspects of Black Theology in Brazil, in view of its decolonial potential. Its analysis focuses on the Grupo Atabaque: Cultura Negra e Teologia (Atabaque Group: Black Culture and Theology) from São Paulo, as it is one of the precursors and most important hubs of production and dissemination of Black theological thought in Brazil. First, however, it addresses the intertwining of Decoloniality and Afro-Diasporic thinking. Then, it goes on to analyze the possible place of  Theology in the Decolonial project, and finally, the formation, development and discourse of Black Theology in Brazil.

Author Biography

Charlisson Silva de Andrade

Doutorando em Sociologia – Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) – São Cristóvão

