Who fault is it? War, humiliation and truth in the relations between pentecostalism and bolsonarism


  • Mariana Magalhães Pinto Cortes (UFU)


The present article is based on the premise that the process of neoliberalization of Brazilian society is not only top-down, but conjugates in hybrids form with governmental regimes that were born in the peripheries: Pentecostalism and the militias. In its authoritarian phase from the rise of the extreme right and the implementation of the Bolsonaro government, these governmental devices occupy the center of the state. By focusing on Pentecostalism, the text proposes a genealogy on the Brazilian authoritarian turn, seeking affinities between Pentecostalism and Bolsonarism, from the analysis of the war diagram, the refusal of humiliation, the ethics of retribution and the emergence of a new regime of truth.


