Historical rounds of neoliberalization in Brazil



This article initially discusses the moment of historical emergence of neoliberalism in Brazil, recognizing the emergence of dispersed and disarticulated elements during the Military Dictatorship that only gained strategic coherence as a whole, constituting the device of governmentality, in the 1990s. From then on, three historical rounds of neoliberalization occurred: 1) integration to global commercial and financial markets and managerial reform of enterprises and the state; 2) emergence of the "new middle class" as the object of power and knowledge of neoliberalism; 3) response to the economic crisis of 2015, with radicalization of neoliberal reforms and uberization of labor.

Author Biography

Daniel Pereira Andrade, FGV EAESP

Professor de Sociologia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV EAESP), São Paulo, Brasil, doutor e mestre em sociologia pela FFLCH-USP

