An unhesitating sociologist
W. E. B. Du Bois solution to the dilemma of sociology at the beginning of the XX century
A new harvest of traductions, comments and specialized studies is resuming the critical fortune of W.E.B Du Bois (188-1963) in light of our specific Brazilian context: peripheral, unequal, and excluding, recovering your contributions as a classic for the sociological discipline. It is in this scenario of intellectual effervescence and boiling of conceptual theorist reconstructions in which this work fits; because Hesitant Sociology (1905) is a text which is not publicated in life, but answers to the concert of sociological problems experienced by the disciplinary field at the dusk and dawn of the centuries between. It is intended to redeem the general context in which the work has to write, as well as, the biographical singularity from your producer, paying attention to the period of the work history in which it was written; but, more than this, want to recover the “imaginary” debate in which the author experiment in that text, given that those answers were given in light of what was discussed about the sociological science in World’s Fair Congress of Arts and Science in Saint Louis (1904), event to which Du Bois was not invited and, therefore, exemplifies the silencing process experienced throughout your life.
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