Childhood, gender and sexuality in the construction of grooming as a global-local problem. The case of prevention campaigns in Argentina


  • Pilar Anastasía González Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CEA-FCS-UNC)


This article reveals how grooming became a social problem on global and local scales in social discourse. The way in which this problem was configured, to- day recognized as a criminal offense through legislation in many countries around the world, presents complexities, nuances and overlaps with respect to other pro- blems in the field of so-called risks on the Internet such as child pornography and sexting. . This can be seen especially in the audiovisual materials of the prevention campaigns, which suture contemporary modes of regulation of moral limits and the conditions of acceptability of the sexual behavior of children and adolescents.

