The Updates of an “Archive”:

the circulation and Anglo-Saxon uses of the idea of “economy of symbolic exchanges




The objectives of this theory analysis exercise focus on focusing on a set of British texts that in sociology of culture, between the 1980s and 2000s, were addressed to the problem of the relationship between consumer culture and the capitalist economy. Analytical and interpretative interventions occurred within the scope of a more comprehensive debate, sparked around the developments of modernity entertained in the “post-industrial” context. Ultimately, it is important to reflect on how much this corpus, in the movement of naming and qualifying socio-historical phenomena, emerging at the time, framed an empiricity. With this, part of the archive was consecrated, which, at the same time, is updated and gives discursive consistency to subsequent analytical and interpretative attacks that focus on the symbolization and capitalism nexus.


Author Biography

Edson Silva Farias, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Ciências Sociais (UNICAMP, 2001); pesquisador CNPQ; professor Dep. Sociologia UnB; professor associado PPGMLS UESB; líder do Grupo Cultura, Memória e Desenvolvimento (CMD); editor da revista Arquivos do CMD.

