State Violence and Racism

Some Theoretical-Methodological Discussions




In this presentation of the dossier “State Violence and Racism: Theoretical and Methodological Discussions”, we propose some topics for discussion that can contribute to what has been called the “anti-racist turn” in studies on violence, crime, punishment and related themes. To this end, we begin with a critical analysis of the field of study of the sociology of violence, initially based on a historical overview of the points of contact between this and the sociology of race relations/inequalities, highlighting the contribution of intra-academic, inter-institutional and extra-academic factors. Next, we present some of the main methodological challenges faced in empirical research dealing with the state-racism-violence interface, arguing that many of these methodological adversities are rooted in the lack of theoretical dialog between these two fields. Finally, we will present the other articles in the dossier, highlighting their methodological contributions to studies on state violence and racism. These challenges are rooted in the lack of dialog between these two theoretical fields. Finally, we will present the other articles in the dossier, highlighting their methodological contributions to studies on state violence and racism.





Dossier 2: State violence and racism: methodological discussions (Orgs. Juliana Vinuto e Pedro César Ramos)
