The eye and/is the other
Some approaches between indigenous thoughts and psychoanalysis
The article discusses the intersection between indigenous thoughts and psychoanalytic concepts, such as Freud's uncanny (Das Unheimliche) and Lacan's extimacy. Through ethnographic examples of Pano and Wayana indigenous peoples, the text addresses the indigenous people's relationship with otherness, especially in relation to the spirits (yuxin) that inhabit and vivify their bodies and experiences. These spirits are intimate and foreign at the same time, similar to Freud's concept of uncanny. Lacan's term extimacy is also explored, highlighting how something intimate can be exterior and how subjects are intertwined with the Other. The analysis seeks to establish bridges between indigenous worlds and psychoanalysis, emphasizing the importance of otherness in the constitution of subjectivity and relationships. Furthermore, it highlights the need to open space for estrangement and welcome the expressiveness of others in both anthropology and psychoanalysis.
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