Peer Review Policy

The works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which evaluates the minimum qualifications of the authors; the textual adequacy of the works; their originality and their framing within the focus and scope of the magazine. After this first process, the Editorial Committee forwards the pieces to two ad hoc consultants in the double-blind evaluation system. In case of agreement between the consultants, the opinions - which may accept the article, reject the article or propose changes - are forwarded by the Editorial Committee to the author. When there are contradictory opinions between these consultants, the tie is broken by submitting the article to a new reviewer.

The Journal also offers the possibility of open evaluation, in which author(s) and reviewers are not anonymous to each other. We believe that this transparent process helps to re-establish bonds of trust with the community and allows reviewers to be recognized and rewarded for the important work they do, in alignment with Open Science Practices.

Works already published are not accepted, with the exception of translations of relevant theoretical texts, based on selection and indication by the Editorial Committee.

The content of signed works is the sole responsibility of the authors, as is the selection of descriptors (keywords).

According to Brazilian legislation - Law nº 9,610/1998 - any form of plagiarism will not be accepted. If plagiarism is reported, the editorial committee will use a specific program to detect plagiarism – CopySpider software. If confirmed, the article will be removed from the magazine.

The estimated time for a final decision is 3 months in the case of articles that are rejected in the evaluation by the Editorial Committee (which evaluates formal aspects, as well as the article's adherence to the scope of the journal). For articles sent to ad hoc referees, the average time between submission and final decision is 7 months.

The journal receives an increasing number of submissions and since the beginning of 2020 has made efforts to reduce the time it takes to evaluate articles.