Open Access and Open Science Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public leads to greater global democratization of knowledge. Readers are authorized to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the papers as long as the source and authorship are cited.
Contemporânea does not use submission, evaluation or publication fees for papers as a means of funding. Authors are exempt from any financial obligation to the journal.
In line with the Open Science guidelines, Contemporânea adopts a series of practices, such as an open access policy, the publication of preprint papers on servers that support public comments so that they can be discussed openly, open and transparent peer review and the use of social networks to disseminate published work. In addition, it requires the precise indication of the role of each of the authors in papers with multiple authorship, encourages the sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, made available in open online repositories. The Journal also offers the possibility of open evaluation, where author(s) and reviewers are not anonymous to each other. We believe that this transparent process helps to re-establish bonds of trust with the community and allows reviewers to be recognized and rewarded for the important work they do. We support and collaborate with organizations and initiatives that promote Open Science practices and policies.