Section Policies


Authors are required to hold a minimum of a master's degree to submit texts.

Submission of a paper to Contemporânea implies that it has not been published in whole or in part as part of books or in journals and that it has not been sent simultaneously to another journal.

Manuscripts deposited on a preprint server that supports public comments or in event proceedings are accepted for evaluation. In these cases, authors must provide the location and origin of the paper in the first footnote or the full details of the proceedings of the event at which the work was presented.

Translations of relevant theoretical texts are published following selection and recommendation by the Editorial Committee.



The organization of the Dossiers begins with the Editorial Committee defining the theme to be covered in the Dossier session and the invitation of a researcher/professor responsible for coordinating it. This way, based on the general rules for the Dossier session - a minimum of five papers and a maximum of six, all original, peer-reviewed - the coordinator is free to define its composition and write the presentation.

Proposal requirements

The proposal must contain (combine all sections in a single PDF file):

     1. Expanded abstract of the proposal (max. 1000 words), containing information on: title of the dossier; theme of the dossier; topicality, relevance and originality of the theme; intended contributions to the field of Social Sciences, general and specific; names of the authors of the papers and their respective institutional links and countries of residence;
     2. Mini Curriculum (5 lines) of the organizer(s) and authors of the proposed papers;
     3. Abstract (50 words) of each paper in the dossier;
     4. Proposal for publicizing the dossier. The organizers must present the plan for disseminating the publication (round table at national congresses; public seminar, lecture, etc.). Indicate the event and possible dates (e.g. Congress of the Brazilian Society of Sociology; ANPOCS, ALAS, etc.).

Format and requirements:

     1. Each proposal should contain no more than 6 papers.
     2. The texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.
     3. The dossier must contain at least one paper in the above-mentioned foreign language.
     4. The authors of the papers must have at least a master's degree and be linked to different institutions in different regions of the country.
     5. The proposal must have at least two papers whose authors are from foreign institutions.
     6. The texts must follow the rules of Contemporânea, which are explained on the journal's website, under the "Guidelines for authors" tab.
     7. All papers will be submitted to a peer review process.



Interviews with Brazilian or foreign researchers of recognized academic importance will be published. 


Book reviews

Critical reviews of books published in Brazil and abroad no more than three years ago will be accepted. It is up to the person responsible for this section to read the reviews and ask the author for any changes/revisions.


Special section

This section presents papers that are directly related to the dossier of the specific issue or that present topics of urgent interest.