
Contemporânea - UFSCar's Journal of Sociology aims to publish the work of national and international researchers, creating dialogues on frontier issues in the social sciences. Contemporânea welcomes academic papers from different areas of the Human Sciences, but which are necessarily connected to broader debates and bibliographical references in national and international sociology. The journal is particularly open to emerging approaches to new social conflicts, differences of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity as well as other forms of inequality, displacement, migratory processes, territorialities and mobilities, religiosities, sustainability, transformations in work and professions, violence, new articulations between theory and empirics, theoretical revisions based on the research challenges of the present and new configurations of the state and forms of governance.
Contemporânea supports the Open Science movement, which aims to open up the entire research and publication process, including open data, open protocols, open source and transparent peer review.
Previously, Contemporânea published four-monthly editions. Since 2024, the journal has adopted the Continuous Publication format.