O Empreendedorismo Contemporâneo ou uma Forma de Mistificação das Relações de Classe
Contemporary Entrepreneurship or a form of mystification of class relations
This article aims to discuss the relationship between the entrepreneurial way of life, hegemonic in neoliberal society, and the mystification of class relations, an analysis based on an empirical incursion into a Latin American congress of entrepreneurs. We argue that in this mystification process, organic intellectuals have a fundamental role in the construction of the subordination of workers to the interests of capital, because they are responsible for the elaboration of entrepreneurship, of its propagation that aims to establish a new social consensus that aims to restore and deepen class domination. By equating workers with companies, entrepreneurship acts both as an ideology and as a form of control over the workforce, since entrepreneurial conduct becomes a condition for workers to remain employed, even in precarious situations, and guarantee their social reproduction.
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